pubblicato nel numero 2017 anno 4

Federico Blasevich
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Promote cycling tourism in Rome through the realization of G.R.A.B. and of the City of Bicycles
Rome is the Italian city with the highest number of vehicles per 1000 inhabitants. Despite this datum cyclists is the category of tourists that more than others can potentially visit the city better. The article, after introducing the “cyclotourism product”, describes the Italian policies on sustainable tourism and the great potential of Rome which is crossed by two routes of the European cycle route network. The article describes two symbolics projects that can contribute to creating a more sustainable city: the GRAB, the Grande Raccordo Anulare delle Biciclette and the “City of Bicycles”. The GRAB is a route of 45 km, partly already existing, for which the City of Rome is preparing the relative design. “The City of Bicycles” is a totally new proposal that involves the redevelopment of an ancient military fort and the creation in that building of a car-free place dedicated to offering goods and services for all cyclists (cyclists tourist, sports cyclists, urban commuter, young cyclists).