pubblicato nel numero 2019 anno 1/2

Michela Ciccarelli
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The quantification of tourism through Big Data Analysis is the new frontier of statistical, territorial and management analysis, based on the use of large data sources. Currently, the most important jobs are above all those in the managerial field (even "company" is fine), although they may have an important utility in territorial analysis, because the tourism sector finds, in the Big Data (BD), ideal characteristics to improve and enrich the estimates. The case study of the Puglia Region will be analyzed to highlight two aspects: mainly, because during the development of the project have emerged the fragility of Big Data and how an algorithm not well calibrated is a sufficient condition to make the data not usable for the purposes of specific research. Secondly, the project of Puglia Region was among the first in Italy to integrate the BD with the traditional sources for the analysis of regional tourism and allowed, in this way, to compare the number of tourist presences detected by official sources and by the tourists physically present on the territory in the same period, demonstrating the gap between real and official tourism.