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What is SISTUR

Subject and purposes of the SISTUR association (art.2 of the Sistur Statute)

The Association “Italian Society of Tourism Sciences” (SISTUR), which is not for profit and is a cultural and scientific institution, non-partisan and apolitical, aims to promote the deepening and dissemination of studies on the issues of the sciences of the tourism, both nationally and internationally. The Association also aims to foster relationships among scholars and experts to facilitate and stimulate research and training. The Association promotes research, surveys and publications; organizes scientific meetings and conferences; it carries out initiatives that can help achieve the stated purpose, including actions in support of training, teaching and research. Read the SISTUR statute

Cultural Tourism in Europe and beyond

The main outcomes of the international research project SPOT will be presented on Thursday 01 December 2022 at the Conference Centre of the EUROPAHAUS

Call for papers for Sinergie Special issue

Sinergie, Italian Journal of Management, invites authors to submit their research papers that analyze different aspects of management, social responsibility and sustainability in tourism. This special issue welcomes qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches in the tourism management studies field

Tourism Intelligence Forum (t-Forum) 2020 in Algarve

Tourism Intelligence Forum (t-Forum) will be organizing its 3rd Global Conference, to be held in Algarve - Portugal, from 18-21 March 2020 entitled "Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive"