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Art. 1 – Object and scope

This regulation governs how to use the e-mail service provided by SISTUR.

Art. 2 – General Principles

SISTUR sees e-mail as a useful tool to pursue its goals.

The service is provided according to the social purpose of SISTUR and other instrumental or institutionally related activities and, therefore, ceases with the loss of the quality of associate.

Art. 3 – Users of the e-mail service, activation and user termination

The e-mail account (username, password and e-mail address) is provided free of charge. The procedures for requesting accounts, changing your personal data and password, and renewing your account are all automated.

The email account is provided to the following categories of users:

1 – Sistur Associates

2 – Other types of users, in the capacity of external collaborators and with limited IT resources and access rights, on the direct responsibility of a structured contact and subject to clearance of the Presidency Council.

The procedures for checking the termination of the membership qualification and contextual deactivation of e-mail accounts are fully automated, subject to e-mail notice with appropriate advance notice.

Art. 4 – Sistur obligations

SISTUR undertakes to use the data provided by the user for the purposes of the delivery and management of the service and to implement what is in its power to protect the user’s privacy.

SISTUR is committed to providing the service on an ongoing basis, subject to any suspension due to ordinary or extraordinary maintenance, malfunctions and other eventualities.

SISTUR is also committed to making regular system backups as a whole; there are no backups and restores of individual mailboxes or e-mails.

Art. 5 – SISTUR liability limits

SISTUR will implement all measures deemed necessary and sufficient to minimise the risk of information loss; This is despite the user’s removal of SISTUR from any liability and obligation in relation to deletion, corruption, non-sending/receiving or omission of e-mail or other content, resulting from faults and/or malfunctions of the management equipment and, in general, from the delivery of the service itself.

The SISTUR reserves the right not to store or delete the user’s messages, if the user exceeds the disk space available to him.

Due to the inherent structure of the world standard (SMTP), SISTUR will not be able to guarantee:

  • no timeline on the timing of delivery or receipt of e-mails
  • delivery of sent messages, even when they appear to have been sent correctly and no e-mails indicating problems are delivered;
  • receiving messages, even if the sender sent them successfully and did not receive

any e-mails indicating problems.

Art. 6 – E-mail confidentiality

SISTUR pursues the confidentiality and integrity of messages during their transit and their stay in the mail system (limited to transit on its servers).

Except for art. 4, e-mail messages are kept in the mailbox associated with the user until they are removed from the user’s mailbox.

Art. 7 – Login credentials

The login credentials (user name and password) are strictly personal. For attributed accounts, the login credentials are assigned to the account holder. Any non-regular activity will be attributed to the credential holder.

Art. 8 – User Responsibilities

Users are required to keep their credentials by keeping their login arrangements secret and taking care that they are not used by third parties. Users will need to promptly notify you if your network’s access data is lost or even likely to spread.

You are committed to working to safeguard the confidentiality of your password, in particular by committing to:

  • keep your assigned personal password and not allow it to be used by a third party;
  • immediately notify of any loss of exclusive password confidentiality;
  • do not allow third parties, under any means, to use the service mentioned in question;
  • make any changes in the master data in a timely manner.

You may not use your inbox by exploiting the SISTUR image for personal purposes or in any way in such a way as to cause harm to it; in this case, it may be subject to disciplinary responsibility and other forms of legally established liability. In any case, you may not use the service for purposes prohibited by law or prohibited by this regulation or that may in any case harm SISTUR itself or to third parties.

You take on every criminal and civil liability and any burden arising from the misuse of the service; at the same time exempts SISTUR from any claim or action that should be directed at SISTUR itself from any subject, as a result of such misuse.

In addition, you may not use the service in a way that disables, overloads or in various ways will affect the service of other users or, moreover, interfere with the service’s enjoyment by other users.

Art. 9 – Prohibited activities

The user, except for justifiable exceptions, of which he still responds personally, cannot use e-mail to send, even via links or attachments in any format (text, photo, video, graph, audio, code, etc.), messages that contain or point to:

  • non-institutional, manifest or covert advertising;
  • private commercial communications;
  • pornographic or similar material, particularly in violation of Law 269 of 1998 (“Rules against the sexual exploitation of children in the 18s”);
  • discriminatory or harmful material in relation to race, sex, religion, personal and social conditions;
  • material that violates the privacy law;
  • materials that infringe third-party property rights;
  • Other illegal content.

Under no circumstances will the user be able to use e-mail to spread malicious codes to computers such as viruses and the like.

You may not attempt to unauthorized access to any of the services, other accounts, systems, or networks connected through hacking, password forgery, or other illicit or fraudulent means.

You are committed to implementing all measures on your e-mail access station to avoid, or otherwise minimize, the disclosure of computer viruses and the like;

Finally, the user agrees not to disclose messages of a repetitive nature (see S. Antonio chains) even when the content is intended to report alleged or true alarms (example: virus reports).

You agree to be recognized as the author of the messages sent from your account and to be the recipient of messages sent to your account.

SISTUR reserves the right to report any violations of these conditions of use to the relevant authorities for appropriate investigations and measures.

Art. 10 – Penalties

In the case of abuse, depending on the severity of the abuse and subject to the additional criminal, civil, administrative and disciplinary consequences, the following measures may be imposed:
a) verbal or email recall to the correct use of the account;
b) the written recall to the correct use of the account;
c) suspension from account from a minimum of one week to a maximum of six months;
d) permanently deactivating the account.

Art. 11 – Procedures

In the event of breaches of this Regulation, the SISTUR Presidency Council invites you held responsible for these matters to provide all clarifications and documents deemed useful, giving a period of no less than 10 days. If the clarifications are deemed sufficient, the proceedings are closed; If not, the President of SISTUR has established the existence of the abuse, he imposes the sanctions on the previous article with a reasoned measure, after hearing the user concerned and takes the appropriate steps with regard to activities that criminal, civil, administrative and disciplinary responsibilities.
The measure referred to in the previous paragraph is promptly communicated to the user concerned. In the event of abuse which could cause irreparable harm, the Presidency Council, as a precaution, may order the immediate termination of the activity at the origin of the abuse itself.

Art. 12 – Mailing list

Mailing lists of all SISTUR associates are made up.

Mailing list membership is automatic once email users are assigned.

The mailing lists are used to disseminate information of general interest and service to staff. SISTUR staff members are entitled to use mailing lists